Get Involved On Island
We live and worship on one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Yet there are many people here who live in darkness and despair. As a church, we feel the burden to minister to our neighbors in various ways as God has gifted us as Freshwater Church. We are always looking for ways to join God in what He is doing here on St. John. While the activities vary from year to year, season to season, here are several ways you can get involved if you are a local member or attender of Freshwater.
Reading Buddies at Julius E. Sprauve Elementary School
Since 2016, a dedicated group of people have been volunteering in 1st , 2nd , and 3rd grade classrooms at JESS as reading buddies. We go into specified classrooms several times a week during October to June and simply read with and to the children identified by the classroom teacher. In order to volunteer, a background check is required and you will start out alongside a veteran volunteer for the first two or three times. The time commitment is up to you, but consistency is important. We are usually in the school between 8:45 and 11:00 am. We also have been able to provide school supplies, books and other needed items to the school through a great relationship with the teachers and administrators. Stay in touch through our Facebook page for special supply drives (@FreshwaterChurchVi)
Annual Basketball Camp
Through partnership with Connection Church NYC and Graceview Baptist Church, we have been able to hold a basketball camp since 2014. This camp is free to all youth and is held the week school gets out. Resident volunteers are needed.
Children’s Carnival
Since 2014, Freshwater Church has been able to provide the manpower to set up and run the Children’s Carnival every June with the Rotary Club of St. John. This is also strongly supported by missions teams from the mainland.
Day Camp
Beginning in 2018, we were able to assist in a STEM day camp at St. John Christian Academy, providing both a youth mission team from the states, members of Freshwater and the donating of supplies. This was very well attended, and the children learned in a fun, safe way about Science, Engineering and Technology. This is planned to be an annual event and volunteers are needed.
Disaster Response
In 2017, the island of St. John was severely damaged by two hurricanes. It is estimated that 80% of all structures received some damage and power was out of service for over 3 months. In the midst of all the destruction and the very real needs of hurting people, Freshwater was able, through our stateside partnerships, to help alleviate the suffering. For three weeks we provided a hot, midday meal. For over six months, we hosted disaster relief teams sent from mainland churches and we helped dozens of people with debris removal, light construction and the hope of Jesus. As part of this disaster relief response, we also realized a need to be prepared for the next storm. So we have again relied on a stateside partner to pre-position disaster relief supplies on island. A great way to get involved in this is to donate time, money and your expertise.
Fellowship meals
Relationships and community are often built around meals where we can take the time to get to know each other and pray for one another. We have fellowship meals at our Bible Studies and once a month at the pavilion on the each on Sundays for lunch. If you would like to contribute to these meals or help prepare something please contact us.